Educating your business on the importance of cybersecurity

Cyber in Manufacturing 2024: Keep Us Running!

Posted by Aaron R. Warner on Mar 28, 2024 2:44:00 PM

The manufacturing industry faces a continuously evolving threat landscape, demanding constant vigilance and proactive security measures. As technology advances and attackers refine their tactics, here are some of the most critical risks manufacturers need to be aware of in 2024:

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Topics: Intellectual Property Protection, cybersecurity plan, Manufacturing

2024 Executive's Guide to Cybersecurity Preparedness

Posted by Aaron R. Warner on Mar 1, 2024 2:12:00 PM

Cybersecurity: Not Just for Techies Anymore

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing, Incident Response, Security Awareness Training

QR Code Scams: How to Help Your Employees Avoid Them

Posted by ProCircular Team on Feb 21, 2024 2:04:45 PM

We've all become familiar with QR codes  those square bar codes that seem to be everywhere. You scan them with your phone camera and they take you directly to a website. QR codes are an incredibly convenient way to access information, but scammers are clever and already use them as part of their scam arsenal. Fortunately, everyone can protect themselves from QR scams by learning how they work and remaining vigilant.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Network Security, Information Security, Data Security, Data Protection, risk

Cybersecurity Needs for Small Businesses

Posted by ProCircular Team on Nov 29, 2023 2:10:26 PM

In 2023, security company BlackFog found that cybersecurity attacks successfully hit 61% of small and medium businesses within the past year. As many as 43% of all data breaches target small and midsized enterprises, probably because they are less likely to have robust IT and security teams. For small businesses, it is essential to understand what cybersecurity is, what it encapsulates, how to use it, possible cybersecurity compliance requirements, and the impact of cyberattacks.

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Topics: Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Challenges for K-12 Schools

Posted by ProCircular Team on Nov 29, 2023 1:43:16 PM
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Topics: Cybersecurity

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