Educating your business on the importance of cybersecurity

7 Things You Need to Establish Your Cybersecurity Plan

Posted by ProCircular Team on Jul 25, 2023 11:29:00 AM

There’s no silver bullet when it comes to cybersecurity. But there are a few basics that nearly any organization – whether it’s a hospital, school, financial institution, government entity, or manufacturing plant – can put into place to get a start on their cybersecurity plan. 

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Topics: Incident Response, Security Awareness Training, security incident response, disaster recovery, cybersecurity plan, vCISO

CISO Corner: Tech to Exec

Posted by Trevor Burke on Jan 10, 2023 1:16:40 PM

Improving communication within an organization has been proven to increase productivity; that’s easy to see. A study by SalesForce found that more than 80% of employees and executives believe weak communication is the main cause of workplace failures. What might those workplace failures look like? Missing a deadline or offending a client are bad outcomes, but we also need to prepare against exposure of sensitive or personal information.  

In this series, ProCircular’s team of information security specialists break down the top cybersecurity risks for small and medium-sized businesses in 2023. How do SMBs prepare for cybersecurity threats and prevent security incidents? Trevor Burke lays out the best ways to get leadership’s support behind security investments. 

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Information Security, Data Security, Security Awareness Training, vCISO

CISO Corner: Insider Threats

Posted by Trevor Burke on Dec 7, 2022 9:20:41 AM

In this series, ProCircular’s team of information security specialists will break down the top cybersecurity risks for small and medium-sized businesses in 2023. How do SMBs prepare for cybersecurity threats and prevent security incidents? Trevor Burke lays out the special precautionsorganizations can take to lower the likelihood of incidents caused by internal threats. 

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Information Security, Data Security, Security Awareness Training, vCISO

How to Prioritize Cybersecurity Before a Recession

Posted by ProCircular Team on Jul 28, 2022 3:08:13 PM

Cybersecurity is one of the main factors to incorporate into your organization’s recession planning. One notorious online cybercriminal group, the Cobalt Cybercrime Gang, has been operating since 2013, completing over 100 heists totaling over EUR 10 billion in losses to the European financial industry. In a time when attackers are highly motivated and financial and reputational losses can have significant effects, it is crucial to have a clear picture and action plan regarding your cybersecurity posture.

With new threats emerging daily, it is essential to identify and address technical and operational risks proactively. Ensuring reliable and uninterrupted function of your operations during an incident means preparing for, protecting against, responding to, and recovering from a cyberattack.

A recession can occur unexpectedly with little to no warning and leave companies vulnerable to opportunistic and persistent threat actors. The two-fold impact of an economic downturn would be that companies reduce spending, often cybersecurity spending, and highly skilled individuals across the globe become desperate for income, possibly turning to “black hat” or malicious hacking. Successful cyberattacks lead to significant financial and reputational losses. Businesses need a mature cybersecurity program that is resilient to today’s complex and often uncertain threat environment.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, vulerability assessment, Penetration Testing, Incident Response, vCISO, Recession

Should Your Organization Hire a vCISO?

Posted by ProCircular Team on Jun 1, 2021 10:58:25 AM

Technology is essential to modern business operations, but cybersecurity risks and data exposure threats come with that. Thankfully, a virtual chief information security officer (vCISO) can bring comprehensive strategic and operational leadership to security for companies that can only afford a part-time person in an executive cybersecurity role. Amid today’s industry-wide shortage of skilled security workers, vCISO could be the best option for finding and retaining critical security leadership.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, vCISO

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