Educating your business on the importance of cybersecurity

Lessons Learned From the CDK Global Ransomware Attack

Posted by Brandon Potter on Jul 22, 2024 9:10:11 AM

CDK Global, a leading provider of integrated technology solutions to the automotive industry, suffered a severe ransomware attack. The attack was attributed to the BlackSuit ransomware group, known for its sophisticated and targeted operations. The impact of the attack was widespread, not only affecting CDK Global’s operations but also had a ripple effect on thousands of auto dealerships that rely on CDK Global’s dealer management systems (DMS) and service operation solutions. The incident caused significant operational disruptions and is expected to have a large, but unknown impact on dealership financial losses due to the downtime during a high-volume season. 

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Network Security, Information Security, Data Security, Data Protection, risk

The FCC’s New Cybersecurity Pilot Program for Libraries and K-12 Education

Posted by Taylor Herr on Jul 18, 2024 2:07:19 PM

On June 11, 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released an Order creating a limited cybersecurity pilot program for libraries and K-12 education, titled the Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program.[1] The goal of the Pilot Program is to provide funding for network security for libraries and K-12 schools in order to protect sensitive personal information and other data that is not otherwise covered under the FCC’s E-Rate program.[2]

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Topics: Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Challenges for Trucking in 2024: Mitigating Risks on the Road

Posted by Aaron R. Warner on May 8, 2024 12:43:45 PM

Buckle up, truckers! Trucking is the industry that keeps America rolling, and it's in the middle of a digital revolution. From high-tech ELDs to AI-powered cameras and internet-connected trailers, the way we haul goods is evolving at breakneck speed. In the interest of safety (and profit) most trucks now have or will soon get AI cameras for things like distracted driver, cell phone detection, gyro events, etc. But alongside these advancements lurks a hidden adversary – hackers.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Incident Response, Security Awareness Training, Ransomware, Transportation, Trucking, MFA

Top 5 Business Roles Targeted by Cyber Attacks and How to Mitigate Risks

Posted by Aaron R. Warner on May 8, 2024 11:55:45 AM

Cybercriminals in today's digital landscape employ sophisticated tactics to infiltrate organizations and steal valuable data. Specific business roles within companies often become targets of cyber attacks due to their access to sensitive information or ability to influence decision-making. These roles are also usually visible and known individuals in the public, and harvesting information can be used against them. It is much easier than going after the paranoid I.T. Guy!

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Data Breach, Data Security, Data Protection, cybersecurity plan, Ransomware

Community Colleges Navigate Evolving Cybersecurity Landscape in 2024

Posted by Aaron R. Warner on Apr 8, 2024 9:00:00 AM

While essential functions of community colleges remain constant, the ever-changing digital landscape presents unique cybersecurity challenges. From talent retention to securing a diversifying data landscape, colleges must adapt their strategies to keep pace.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Data Breach, Data Security, vulerability assessment, hacking, community colleges

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