Educating your business on the importance of cybersecurity

Making the Most of Your IT Budget

Posted by ProCircular Team on Nov 7, 2023 10:15:00 AM

We often spend time with CEOs and board members of various companies, in verticals such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and education. 

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Data Breach, Data Protection, budgeting

Rolling the Dice on Cybersecurity: Lessons from the MGM Breach

Posted by Jake McGreevy on Oct 18, 2023 11:17:58 AM

You may have seen it in the news, but another major company has been a victim of a nasty ransomware attack that disrupted services and customers for over ten days. This time, the victim was MGM Resorts in Las Vegas.

What separates this major incident from others is that the hackers pulled the malicious attack off using one of the oldest tricks in the book: social engineering. So, what happened, and what can we learn from this?

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Network Security, Data Breach, Data Security, security incident handling, risk, Ransomware, social engineering

A Comprehensive Guide to Cybersecurity Compliance for Your Industry

Posted by ProCircular Team on Oct 16, 2023 6:10:51 AM

Highly regulated industries, such as defense, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, education, and government, have incredibly stringent cybersecurity compliance requirements. This is for good reason — even a few minutes of downtime could be disastrous for companies in industries like healthcare and financial services, which could lose personal information, intellectual property, and revenue as a result of a breach.

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6 Benefits of Conducting a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

Posted by ProCircular Team on Oct 2, 2023 9:49:00 AM

With so much of the world's business taking place online, cybersecurity threats have become increasingly prevalent. Cyberattacks cost companies millions of dollars a year, and not every business can recover from an incident like a data breach or ransomware hoax. A cybersecurity risk assessment evaluates how potential weaknesses could impact your organization.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Network Security, Risk Assessment

7 Things You Need to Establish Your Cybersecurity Plan

Posted by ProCircular Team on Jul 25, 2023 11:29:00 AM

There’s no silver bullet when it comes to cybersecurity. But there are a few basics that nearly any organization – whether it’s a hospital, school, financial institution, government entity, or manufacturing plant – can put into place to get a start on their cybersecurity plan. 

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Topics: Incident Response, Security Awareness Training, security incident response, disaster recovery, cybersecurity plan, vCISO

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ProCircular is a Full-Service Information Security Firm

We are passionate about helping businesses navigate the complex world of information security, and our blog is another great source of inforamtion. We can assist you no matter where you are in your security maturity journey:

  • Breached or hit with ransomware?
  • Don't know where to start? 
  • Looking to confirm your security with a third party?

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