Educating your business on the importance of cybersecurity

Tracking Users with Browser Fingerprinting

Posted by ProCircular Team on Sep 26, 2019 11:52:00 AM

It’s common knowledge that websites are able to give users free content by serving advertisements and performing analytics in order to generate revenue (full disclosure: if you check this page’s source code, you’ll see Google Analytics and HubSpot). It turns out that between you and the website you’re browsing, there are a few friendly third parties who are very interested in your data. Let’s take a surface level look into how online tracking works, and how you may be uniquely identified with a few JavaScript API calls.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Information Security, Personal Privacy

Employee Buy-in: Reaching the Unreachable

Posted by ProCircular Team on Sep 9, 2019 11:02:00 AM

In security, it’s often said that you will have little success within an organization if you do not have buy-in from management. However, there’s a larger group that is often-overlooked though critical to a successful security program. And they impact all aspects of your security posture. That group, of course, is the end users.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Data Security, Security Awareness Training

Flashbriefing: Bluekeep Vulnerability

Posted by ProCircular Team on Sep 6, 2019 4:10:00 PM

There has been a recent development regarding a potent vulnerability. To help you stay ahead of the situation, please read the following to learn what the exploit is capable of and what can be done to protect against the it.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Incident Response, hacking, security incident response

Gone Phishing: Training your users to work your phishing boats

Posted by ProCircular Team on Aug 26, 2019 12:41:00 PM

We’ve all heard of (or worse been part of) a company with a super strict security team. If you fall for a phishing campaign, you need to report in person to the security department, where they ridicule or chastise you for your error, make you take remedial phishing training, and complete an online test, or worse, revoke your network credentials for a period. While this may be effective from a security standpoint, it’s detrimental to the overall health of the security program. See, presenting a punitive result from an action that is, to the end users’ perspective, simply trying to get their work done doesn’t foster knowledge or understanding: it’s simply an attempt at conditioning. This often creates a negative response and image for the security department - both from an interpersonal perspective, but also from a business perspective.

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Security Measures to Implement in 30-Seconds or Less on your Phone & Computer

Posted by ProCircular Team on Aug 12, 2019 12:29:00 PM

As ProCircular’s resident young person without a background in security, I have learned an extraordinary amount of information about the importance of cybersecurity since starting at this company. I now think about how often my generation tends to overlook basic security features on our phones and computers which leaves us open to disastrous consequences in our personal or professional lives.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Personal Privacy, Personal Data Protection

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