Educating your business on the importance of cybersecurity

ProCircular Team

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What is a Cybersecurity Consultant?

Posted by ProCircular Team on Oct 22, 2020 12:50:18 PM

How do you know if you have a solid cybersecurity program? You may have anti-virus installed and you change your computer password quarterly, but how do you know if your security program is truly effective? When you can’t see your gaps, it’s hard to make improvements and even harder to pick up the pieces after a security breach. That’s why Cybersecurity Consultants, like ProCircular’s Andrew Chipman, collect all the information they can, then measure your active security controls against their library of applicable standards.

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Topics: HIPAA, Information Security, Data Protection, it risk assessment, DFARS, Manufacturing, risk

What is a SIEM Engineer?

Posted by ProCircular Team on Oct 15, 2020 10:03:08 AM

In 1974, the great Mohammed Ali said of his opponent, George Foreman, “His hands can’t hit what his eyes can’t see.” The same principle rings true in the cybersecurity world; we can't stop an attack until we know it is happening. That is why SIEM experts, like ProCircular’s Josh Resch, dedicate themselves to monitoring our clients’ networks for suspicious activity. Although each SIEM product works a little differently, they are all designed to help identify and track early signs of malicious activity on your network. A well-maintained SIEM can drastically reduce recovery time from a security incident by showing exactly where the attacker has been.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Network Security, security incident handling, SIEM, Monitoring

What is an Incident Responder?

Posted by ProCircular Team on Oct 8, 2020 9:37:01 AM

The best approach to security is a proactive one, but nobody is perfect. What happens when a determined attacker finds their way into your network? How do you know where they have been, what they have seen, when they got in, and how they gained access? How do you prioritize remediation and confirm that the bad guys are out of your network? Incident responders, like ProCircular's Aaron Heikkila, are at the ready to swoop down and stop the attackers in their tracks!

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Information Security, Data Security, Incident Response, security incident handling, security incident response

What is an Ethical Hacker?

Posted by ProCircular Team on Oct 1, 2020 10:52:40 AM

What does cybersecurity look like to you? Do you see a cold, robotic engineer performing a quarterly pen test in your conference room? Are you up at night worried about international rings of cybercriminals? Maybe it’s just a term you saw on the compliance checklist. At ProCircular, it’s about the people, and we are highlighting some of the industry’s brightest this Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

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Topics: Cybersecurity, hacking, Company News

Do we need a SIEM if we already have an IT Solution?

Posted by ProCircular Team on Sep 30, 2020 8:34:50 AM

Yes! SIEM (Security Information and Event Manangement) helps with compliance reporting and real-time incident response by centralizing, analyzing, and reporting data about your organization's security events. Other security software has a narrow scope of detection and remediation. SIEM is the most comprehensive type of defense for your network.

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Topics: Network Security, SIEM

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  • Don't know where to start? 
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