Educating your business on the importance of cybersecurity

ProCircular Team

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How to Prioritize Cybersecurity Before a Recession

Posted by ProCircular Team on Jul 28, 2022 3:08:13 PM

Cybersecurity is one of the main factors to incorporate into your organization’s recession planning. One notorious online cybercriminal group, the Cobalt Cybercrime Gang, has been operating since 2013, completing over 100 heists totaling over EUR 10 billion in losses to the European financial industry. In a time when attackers are highly motivated and financial and reputational losses can have significant effects, it is crucial to have a clear picture and action plan regarding your cybersecurity posture.

With new threats emerging daily, it is essential to identify and address technical and operational risks proactively. Ensuring reliable and uninterrupted function of your operations during an incident means preparing for, protecting against, responding to, and recovering from a cyberattack.

A recession can occur unexpectedly with little to no warning and leave companies vulnerable to opportunistic and persistent threat actors. The two-fold impact of an economic downturn would be that companies reduce spending, often cybersecurity spending, and highly skilled individuals across the globe become desperate for income, possibly turning to “black hat” or malicious hacking. Successful cyberattacks lead to significant financial and reputational losses. Businesses need a mature cybersecurity program that is resilient to today’s complex and often uncertain threat environment.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, vulerability assessment, Penetration Testing, Incident Response, vCISO, Recession

Benefits Of Application Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking

Posted by ProCircular Team on Apr 28, 2022 8:59:20 AM

How does a new application transition from being theoretically secure to real-world secure? Security controls are necessary, but it’s even more important to ensure they are implemented, enforced, and hardened correctly before the application is exposed to the internet. Start with an Application Penetration Test to reveal the most critical areas for improvement and outline a clear path to securing those vulnerabilities. This assessment is performed similarly to an External & Internal Network Penetration Test; an ethical (white hat) hacker scours your site (or network) for low-hanging fruit and hidden weaknesses, so you can put up the right defenses before the hackers in the wild have a chance to attack!

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Topics: Penetration Testing

How To Prepare A Cyber Security Incident Response Plan & Incident Response Team For A Cyber Attack

Posted by ProCircular Team on Jan 13, 2022 11:22:24 AM

New cyberattacks are discovered every single day. Organizations should not be considering if they will be attacked, but rather when they will be attacked and what proactive measures must be taken to ensure the company will survive.

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Topics: Incident Response

Sophisticated Threat Actors are using LinkedIn to Phish Employees

Posted by ProCircular Team on Sep 30, 2021 9:03:06 AM

Phishing via employment-focused social media is on the rise. While performing incident response over the last few months, ProCircular encountered multiple incidents where LinkedIn was used in employee phishing attacks. Several news articles raised awareness of this phishing vector over the last year, and the trend continues with a new wave of attacks by sophisticated threat actors.

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Topics: Incident Rsponse, hacking, risk

Ransomware Prevention: DEF CON 29 Takeaways

Posted by ProCircular Team on Sep 23, 2021 10:59:22 AM

Ransomware Prevention: DEF CON 29 Takeaways

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Topics: Information Security, Incident Rsponse, security incident handling, security incident response, DEF CON

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