Educating your business on the importance of cybersecurity

Using an Interactive Cross-site Scripting Backdoor

Posted by Bill Thomas on Feb 26, 2021 3:29:48 PM

As a cybersecurity engineer and an unapologetically enthusiastic “web guy,” I have both a personal and professional interest in finding new exploitation methods. Recently, I found an interesting and creative way to control a browser by exploiting a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. I learn by doing, so I executed the concept to see it work in practice. Without spoiling too much, I was very pleased with the results! This attack uses nothing more than Netcat and some clever XSS injection code. For those unfamiliar with Netcat, it’s a networking utility that reads and writes data across network connections.

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Topics: Network Security, Data Protection, Penetration Testing, hacking

#Zoombombing, Nazi's, Kids, and Cybersecurity 2020

Posted by Aaron R. Warner on Apr 23, 2020 12:20:55 PM

Zoom has been a big name in the headlines lately, mainly due to the world’s newfound dependence on, and perhaps obsession with, the platform. As global business is forced to move online, Zoom has become one of the most commonly chosen video conferencing platforms. It’s easy to use, simple to roll out, and the company has provided free and low-cost licenses to both public and private organizations.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, consumer security, hacking

Why Hackers Hack

Posted by ProCircular Team on Nov 27, 2019 3:30:00 PM

Imagine for a moment your favorite spy movie, maybe a James Bond movie for example. It’s cast of characters likely consists of five or so core archetypical personas. In this cast you likely have a cunning spy, a love interest, the shrouded head of the spy agency, the maniacal bad guy, and a clever hacker sitting in the background. Swooping in seemingly at a moment’s notice to disarm a security system or provide intel about a target’s movements, the hacker always seems to be a mysterious figure with deus ex machina powers. In the following article, we’ll dive into this archetypical figure, breaking down the driving factors behind hacking and the overall ideas behind what makes a hacker ‘tick’.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, hacking

Flashbriefing: Bluekeep Vulnerability

Posted by ProCircular Team on Sep 6, 2019 4:10:00 PM

There has been a recent development regarding a potent vulnerability. To help you stay ahead of the situation, please read the following to learn what the exploit is capable of and what can be done to protect against the it.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Incident Response, hacking, security incident response

The Importance of Password Entropy

Posted by ProCircular Team on May 30, 2019 12:12:30 PM

If you’re reading this, it’s very likely that you know how to use the internet. It’s also likely you’ve made an account on the internet somewhere. When you created your last account, what kind of requirements were you forced to use? For a number of web services, these requirements still follow the 2003 NIST SP 800-63 Appendix A standards that recommend an 8-character minimum, containing one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit, and one special character (Ex: Procircular1!).

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Data Protection, Personal Privacy, hacking, NIST, Passwords

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