New to the world of cybersecurity and wondering where to even begin? Ever wonder what it takes to become a professional hacker? Varying levels of IT knowledge and understanding? Everybody must start somewhere, and here is your chance! Reimagine your career as an Information Security Specialist and stop wasting your time with "what ifs." Allow yourself to grow and shine in a field that you are passionate about. Outreach your potential with this fantastic new course!
Risk Rolling: Don’t Let Your Business Roll the Dice with Risk
Topics: Cybersecurity, Information Security, risk
#Zoombombing, Nazi's, Kids, and Cybersecurity 2020
Zoom has been a big name in the headlines lately, mainly due to the world’s newfound dependence on, and perhaps obsession with, the platform. As global business is forced to move online, Zoom has become one of the most commonly chosen video conferencing platforms. It’s easy to use, simple to roll out, and the company has provided free and low-cost licenses to both public and private organizations.
Topics: Cybersecurity, consumer security, hacking
ProCircular takes a broad approach to service continuity. In this spirit, we must consider the effects of a potential COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak in the coming months. While we expect little or no impact on either our products or services, we would like to provide some detail regarding our preparedness.
Topics: Cybersecurity
Here’s a quick one for all of the administrators and security practitioners. There’s no shortage of third-party programs designed to do remote desktop management and support. And while sure, many of them are secure, the ones we find in use most often are not. The reason being, they tend to be low or no cost solutions. Now, I’m not one to say that security should always be spendy, but let’s be honest, a lot of the time tools are an investment that management is not always willing to invest in. More often then not when we hit a business that is using VNC as their de facto remote management and support tool, the reason behind it is; “Well, it’s free, and we can shadow and control other machines with it for support calls.”
Topics: Cybersecurity, Network Security, Information Security
Topics: Cybersecurity, Information Security, consumer security, Data Security, Passwords