Educating your business on the importance of cybersecurity

Getting Ready for CMMC – Capability Maturity Model Certification

Posted by Brandon Blankenship on Dec 20, 2019 6:45:00 AM

If you’re in the Department of Defense supply chain, you’ve become familiar with DFARS and the corresponding NIST SP 800-171 r1 over the last few years. It is a list of 110 controls that you need to be compliant with in order to continue supplying certain contracts.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Information Security, DFARS, cybersecurity plan, NIST

Network Segmentation and Why It Matters

Posted by ProCircular Team on May 20, 2019 11:37:00 AM

Let’s take a look at an often under-utilized aspect of network topology in the small to medium business realm: that’s right, a networking article. But before you run off, what if I told you you could increase performance and lower your production down time with equipment you (might) already have!?

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Network Security, consumer security, Data Security, Data Protection, security incident handling, cybersecurity plan

Cybersecurity: Real vs. Checking the Box

Posted by Brandon Blankenship on Feb 28, 2019 3:38:00 PM

The reason we wear our seat belts is not to avoid getting a ticket from the police, but rather to avoid a potential injury in a car accident. This analogy is an easy way to describe the difference between box-checking security and real security, and it's instantly understood regardless of technical knowledge. This message resonates with executives, because they typically prefer to “get to the point” and correctly protecting their data is “the point” of cybersecurity.

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Topics: HIPAA, Information Security, consumer security, Data Security, Data Protection, Vulnerability Assessment, it risk assessment, DFARS, cybersecurity plan, NIST

Let your Risk Register be your Guide

Posted by Brandon Blankenship on Jan 30, 2019 12:46:00 PM

“What are the top 7 things you can do to protect your business from hackers?”  Have you ever read a list like that on the internet? In the cybersecurity realm, they’re everywhere. I’ve even assembled and presented one of those lists to a group of business owners myself. They tend to point out things like user awareness training, patching and passwords.  All noble things to get your arms around, of course, but are they useful to a client?  Sometimes I feel as though those lists, as true as they are, are about as useful as telling a football team to “score touchdowns”, or “guard the quarterback.” Yeah, I know that scoring touchdowns is good… but how? 

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Topics: Cybersecurity, HIPAA, DDOS, it risk assessment, cybersecurity plan, NIST

From the Front Lines of Malware Detection

Posted by ProCircular Team on Jan 24, 2019 3:24:18 PM

Everyone has (or should have) an anti-virus solution. It's probably barked at you once or twice for downloading a file from a sketchy website or opening a link from an email you didn't quite recognize. But how does your anti-virus know what programs are bad, and what programs are good?

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Information Security, Incident Rsponse, security incident handling, security incident response, cybersecurity plan, SIEM

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