Educating your business on the importance of cybersecurity

Lessons Learned From the CDK Global Ransomware Attack

Posted by Brandon Potter on Jul 22, 2024 9:10:11 AM

CDK Global, a leading provider of integrated technology solutions to the automotive industry, suffered a severe ransomware attack. The attack was attributed to the BlackSuit ransomware group, known for its sophisticated and targeted operations. The impact of the attack was widespread, not only affecting CDK Global’s operations but also had a ripple effect on thousands of auto dealerships that rely on CDK Global’s dealer management systems (DMS) and service operation solutions. The incident caused significant operational disruptions and is expected to have a large, but unknown impact on dealership financial losses due to the downtime during a high-volume season. 

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Network Security, Information Security, Data Security, Data Protection, risk

QR Code Scams: How to Help Your Employees Avoid Them

Posted by ProCircular Team on Feb 21, 2024 2:04:45 PM

We've all become familiar with QR codes  those square bar codes that seem to be everywhere. You scan them with your phone camera and they take you directly to a website. QR codes are an incredibly convenient way to access information, but scammers are clever and already use them as part of their scam arsenal. Fortunately, everyone can protect themselves from QR scams by learning how they work and remaining vigilant.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Network Security, Information Security, Data Security, Data Protection, risk

No, Your IT Team Shouldn’t Manage Your Cybersecurity

Posted by ProCircular Team on Feb 26, 2023 9:52:00 AM

If you were going to test the fault-points of a building, you wouldn’t hire the architect, you’d hire a demolitions expert. Similarly, you don’t want the designer of your network testing its security. If the team that configures your network does so incorrectly, they are most likely unaware. The creator of the environment has an inherent bias based on the angle from which they view it. They are blind to vulnerabilities, not necessarily because they are under-qualified, but because they are too close to the project. A security team has a “black box perspective”, which means they have the same outside view of the system that an attacker would. This outsider point of view is just one of the advantages a security expert has over an internal IT team. They also have the training, experience, time, and resources that would be impossible to lump in with a standard IT program.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Network Security, Information Security, Data Security, Data Ownership, Incident Response, cybersecurity plan

CISO Corner: Tech to Exec

Posted by Trevor Burke on Jan 10, 2023 1:16:40 PM

Improving communication within an organization has been proven to increase productivity; that’s easy to see. A study by SalesForce found that more than 80% of employees and executives believe weak communication is the main cause of workplace failures. What might those workplace failures look like? Missing a deadline or offending a client are bad outcomes, but we also need to prepare against exposure of sensitive or personal information.  

In this series, ProCircular’s team of information security specialists break down the top cybersecurity risks for small and medium-sized businesses in 2023. How do SMBs prepare for cybersecurity threats and prevent security incidents? Trevor Burke lays out the best ways to get leadership’s support behind security investments. 

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Information Security, Data Security, Security Awareness Training, vCISO

CISO Corner: Insider Threats

Posted by Trevor Burke on Dec 7, 2022 9:20:41 AM

In this series, ProCircular’s team of information security specialists will break down the top cybersecurity risks for small and medium-sized businesses in 2023. How do SMBs prepare for cybersecurity threats and prevent security incidents? Trevor Burke lays out the special precautionsorganizations can take to lower the likelihood of incidents caused by internal threats. 

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Information Security, Data Security, Security Awareness Training, vCISO

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