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Cyber in Manufacturing 2024: Keep Us Running!

Posted by Aaron R. Warner on Mar 28, 2024 2:44:00 PM
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The manufacturing industry faces a continuously evolving threat landscape, demanding constant vigilance and proactive security measures. As technology advances and attackers refine their tactics, here are some of the most critical risks manufacturers need to be aware of in 2024:

Cyber Threats for the Manufacturing Industry

Risks in Manufacturing

1. Escalating Cyberattacks

  • Supply Chain Disruption: Cyberattacks targeting third-party vendors and suppliers can cripple production lines and disrupt entire ecosystems. The interconnected nature of the modern supply chain makes manufacturers vulnerable to attacks within their organizations and throughout their extended network.

  • Ransomware Attacks: Disruption remains a crucial objective for attackers, with ransomware attacks potentially paralyzing operations and inflicting significant financial losses. Manufacturers with critical industrial control systems (ICS) are particularly susceptible due to the potential for operational downtime and safety risks.

  • Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): These sophisticated attacks aim to gain long-term access to a network, steal sensitive data, or disrupt critical infrastructure. APTs often target intellectual property (IP) theft, trade secrets, and proprietary manufacturing processes. Think China.

2. Cloud Security Concerns

  • Misconfigurations and Insecure Access: As dependence on cloud-based solutions grows, misconfigured cloud environments and weak access controls become prime entry points for attackers. Implementing robust cloud security practices and conducting regular security audits are crucial to mitigate these risks.

  • Data breaches: The ever-expanding attack surface of cloud environments increases the potential for data breaches. Stringent data security measures, including encryption in transit and at rest, are essential to protect sensitive information.

3. Evolving Regulatory Landscape

  • Data Privacy Regulations: A growing number of countries and regions are implementing data privacy regulations, like the GDPR and CCPA, that mandate specific data protection measures for organizations operating within their jurisdiction. Manufacturers doing business globally must stay updated on these regulations and ensure compliance to avoid hefty fines and reputational damage.

  • Cybersecurity Legislation: Governments are increasingly introducing legislation mandating specific cybersecurity standards and reporting requirements for critical infrastructure sectors, including manufacturing. Staying informed about evolving regulations and implementing necessary controls to comply is vital.

4. Securing the Connected Factory

  • IoT and OT Threats: The expanding use of internet-of-things (IoT) devices and operational technology (OT) systems in manufacturing environments introduces new vulnerabilities. Secure network segmentation, patching vulnerabilities promptly, and implementing robust access controls are essential safeguards.

  • Legacy Systems: Many factories still rely on legacy systems with outdated security features. Where possible, upgrading or replacing such systems is crucial to address vulnerabilities and enhance overall security posture.

  • Sensitive Production Environments: Manufacturing floors are especially vulnerable to disruption and manipulation due to sensitive equipment, automated processes, and control systems that may never be updated. Many of these systems were created without any thought of cybersecurity, and Cyberattacks targeting these environments can cause major production delays and safety hazards.

Network Segmentation and Protecting Legacy Systems: A critical strategy to mitigate these risks involves network segmentation. This process divides the network into smaller, isolated segments, limiting the potential impact of a breach and preventing attackers from quickly accessing critical systems. Notably, legacy systems with outdated security features should be segregated from the main network and the internet, minimizing their vulnerability to exploitation.

5. Workforce Considerations

  • Human Error and Social Engineering: Social engineering attacks continue to be a major threat, exploiting human vulnerabilities like phishing emails. Regular cybersecurity awareness training for employees can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to such attacks.

  • Skills Shortage: The cybersecurity skills gap remains prevalent in the manufacturing industry. Investing in upskilling existing staff and exploring managed security service providers (MSSPs) can help address this challenge.


Manufacturers can build resilience and protect their critical operations and intellectual property by understanding these risks and implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, including network segmentation and protecting legacy systems. 

PC Contact

ProCircular's team of experienced professionals can help assess your unique vulnerabilities and develop customized solutions to safeguard your organization in this ever-evolving threat landscape. Contact us about our cybersecurity solutions for manufacturing.

Topics: Intellectual Property Protection, cybersecurity plan, Manufacturing

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