Miller states, “This is a continuation of our efforts to improve the integrity of the voting process to ensure that our systems and records are secure, and that every vote is accurately counted. Furthermore, a sense of urgency has motivated us to commence this review now based upon the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s recent declaration that voting systems are considered critical infrastructure.”
ProCircular will inventory Linn County’s election system and voting equipment to confirm compliance with official certified versions; voting equipment deployed to polling places will be evaluated for vulnerabilities, and systems used by Linn County employees to access and update voter registration records will be reviewed for proper safeguards.
“We’ve brought together a team of cybersecurity, electronics, and voting systems experts to help better secure voting in Linn County,” says Aaron R. Warner, CEO of ProCircular. The company’s experts also participated in DefCon’s voter hacking event in Las Vegas this August to bring attention to potential vulnerabilities associated with current voting systems.
ProCircular is a cybersecurity and compliance firm that provides customized, high-quality solutions to organizations by applying decades of real-life expertise.